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Prep/Post Care

To get the most out of your treatment make sure to follow the following instructions:





  •  Go fresh faced

    • ​Although you can apply makeup right after your facial, we recommend you wait.


  • Watch your products

    • ​In the first 72 hours after your facial, you should avoid any topical medications like Retin-A or tretinoin that can inflame new skin cells. Over the counter acne medications should be avoided. We also recommend you avoid beauty products formulated with glycolic acid or similar ingredients that exfoliate the skin. Avoid all exfoliants for 7 days post treatment.


  • Stay out of the sun 

    • Tanning during the first 72 hours will injure fresh skin and neglect some beneficial treatment effects. Please wear your sunscreen everyday!


  • Avoid exercise 

    • Please avoid working out for at least 24 hours after your treatment. Sweat and other pollutants can cause or worsen irritation in the skin.




  • Let your skin peel naturally

  • Use SPF

  • Use gentle products

  • Moisturize for comfort




  • Get additional treatments for 2 weeks  (waxing, Botox, filler, or any other treatment that could be abrasive to the skin)

  • Overheat your skin.

    • Saunas, hot tubs, tanning beds, and strenuous workouts that lead to excessive sweating can irritate your skin after a peel and potentially cause an infection that extends recovery time. Excess heat can increase circulation to your face and intensify side effects, so stay cool for a few days after treatment. Another side effect of excessive heat is a change to your skin pigment, so stay out of the heat to prevent discoloration.

  • Exfoliate.

    • A chemical peel exfoliates your skin, so using exfoliating products to remove more skin can cause damage and irritation. The new skin doesn’t have dead skin cells or other impurities that need removal, so exfoliation is unnecessary. No matter how much you want to speed up the removal of dead skin, avoid using any exfoliating chemicals or products until the surface heals.

  • Worry.

    • Chemical peels are an example of making something worse to make it better. For the first week or so after your treatment, you might feel self-conscious about your appearance or have concerns about whether what you’re experiencing is normal. Complications from chemical peels are rare, so your best bet is to relax and trust the process, knowing any discomfort will pay off. You should see fresh skin within a week and continuous improvement in your skin over the next few weeks. 




  • Wash your face with cool water

  • Use gentle products

  • Hydrate

  • Use spf



  • Touch your face

  • Apply makeup for 48 hours

  • Sweat for 48 hours

  • Exfoliate for 2 weeks




  • Don’t wear mascara or any eye makeup

  • Don’t wear contact lenses

  • Don’t get your eyelashes wet

  • Don’t use any products on your lashes

  • Don’t rub your eyes

  • Don’t go swimming

  • Don’t engage in activities that cause excessive sweating

  • Don’t go to saunas

  • Don’t take long showers and try to keep your lashes dry

  • Don’t sleep on your face

  • Don’t use oil-based products

  • What is Acne?
    Acne is an inherited disorder of the pores – pores that shed dead skin cells much faster than normal. Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore. The acne-prone pore sheds up to five layers of dead skin cells per day and the body just can’t keep up. This forms the microcomedone, the beginning of all acne. Taking up to 90 days, it turns into blackheads or congestion under the skin; or if bacteria is present (which just loves to feed on the dead skin cells and oil), it turns into inflamed pimples or pustules and maybe even cysts.
  • How Long Will It Take To Get Clear?
    Because it takes up to 90 days for acne to form, you may still have 90 days of acne that will surface. Our acne products and protocol will keep the new acne from forming that would surface 90 days from now. The Face Reality Acne System will have your acne under control in about three to six months (in most cases) depending on your type of acne. Some types of acne take longer to clear. Your Acne Specialist will customize a home care regimen that takes at least five things into consideration - your type of acne, your skin type, your skin color, your skin sensitivity and your environment. The biggest part of getting your skin clear will be your commitment to doing your home care regimen as instructed and following lifestyle guidelines.
  • What You Must Do
    -Your custom home care regimen twice daily -Treatments and/or assessment from your esthetician every two weeks -Home Care Adjustments – consistent adjustments to boost your home care regimen -Lifestyle Adjustments - foods, medications, cosmetics, stress, and pore-clogging ingredients in skin and hair products Your progress will be closely monitored by a Face Reality Certified Acne Specialist who will make sure you have the best regimen for your skin - making adjustments, if necessary, to get your skin healthy and clear in the fastest way possible.
  • What Are Adjustments to Home Care?
    We assess your skin every two weeks to see if we can make your regimen a bit stronger. We do not want your skin to get used to products, but also not make the regimen so strong that your skin gets dry and irritated. This method will keep your skin clearing up. It’s important to know that if adjustments are not made, your progress may stall. If, for some reason, you cannot make it in for a treatment, you must contact your Acne Specialist to get your next set of instructions for home care adjustment.
  • Treatments
    Very mild corrective peels are used to boost the home care along with extractions of existing acne. If your skin is dry or irritated, we will opt for an enzyme/steam with extractions.

You're one step closer to your dream skin!

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